Jason Wu's profile

Houdini Vellum

3D Motion
Houdini Vellum
This film is about strength and light-weight. Full CG scenes are easy to achieve rather than shoot in action. By using houdini I can manipulate every detail to meet the goal. I used houdini vellum to design string spring and break effects. Vellum paint is really handy tool to set up the initial state. The shoes model is really heavy poly. to drive the simulation. I created low-poly proxy and simin vellum solver to get the shape deformation data, then extracted data and applied it to high_poly.
I scanned the shoes, and repainted it in substance. then rendered it with redshift. RS is really fast and easy to use. Most of the shots were fully raw from render. I don't need to do compositing. Tips: To get the mood I created fog in the background in houdini. This technique is great to apply to enhance your look and soften the CG.


Houdini Vellum

Houdini Vellum
